Tuesday 12 April 2011


I have created an introductory podcast using soundcloud, which can be listened to here:

Introduction by Georgiamw

Sunday 20 March 2011

My Final Product: 'Eclectic'

Click to enlarge the images.




Tuesday 15 March 2011

2) How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My media product does not represent a particular or stereotypical social group. However it does represent the modern young adult. I have tried to represent the Eclectic readers and artists featured in the magazine as young, all-embracing, positive and creative. I have done this through the use of language. For example, I have used alliteration to represent the artist featured in the double page spread as outgoing and creative. 'The Weird and Wonderful World According to Phoebe Parry' and 'fun, fresh and fearless'. I have also tried to represent my target audience as a social group that is stylish and interested in fashion. I have done this by creating articles surrounding these areas, such as, 'Happy Heritage! On the hunt for the country's best vintage in music and fashion!' I have reinforced this representation through the use of mise-en-scene. For example, I have represented the young female musician as someone with a clear individual style, as I chose the different faux fur coats, red lipstick and unique eye make up I have represented her to be a glamourous musician. I have also represented my target audience as a social group that like to set and keep up with different trends. I have represented this again through the use of mise-en-scene, by featuring a pair of Ray Ban sunglasses - accessories which members of the social group would recognise, own, or would like to own. I have represented the social group to be intelligent and creative by showing in the Contents Page that they are 'Competition Winners'. I have made a short video using iMovie to show some examples of ways in which I have made these representations in my media product:

Monday 14 March 2011

3) What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

I think that my media product could be distributed by IPC Media. IPC Media is a massively successful media institution in the United Kingdom, selling approximately 350 million magazines annually. I think that 'Eclectic' would be suited with IPC Media because it is very successful with magazines that are similar to mine. For example, magazines such as 'LOOK' and 'NME' are published and distributed by IPC Media. Both of these magazines have a similar target demographic to my product and are also marketed at a similar price. They are also marketed in a similar way as I would like my product to be marketed through the use of online media, social networking sites, radio stations and TV Channels. IPC is also a digital publishing company and because my target demographic use digital technology a lot, I think if my product were to be distributed by IPC it would help to develop the readership and brand identity of my magazine, therefore I think 'Eclectic' would possibly be distributed by a media institution such as IPC Media.

Sunday 13 March 2011

4) Who would be the audience of your media product?

To answer this part of my evaluation I have created a more detailed reader profile and I have also included some links to websites which my target audience would be interested in. I have tried to create a reader profile which describes the all embracing audience that I want to appeal to by creating the Eclectic magazine. I have made this as detailed as possible as to portray the different styles and tastes my audience would have. Including the clothing they would wear, the budget they would have, as well as portraying them as trendsetters and to have an up to date knowledge of various music genres. I have also created a montage on Photoshop to accompany this written form of reader profile. Click to enlarge image. 

An Eclectic Reader

A typical Eclectic reader is a 17 year old student with a music taste that cannot be categorized. They crave the rare hip hop that they discover through online mixtapes yet are still addicted to the innovative up and coming indie artists. Whilst embracing the new young leaders of music they worship those that paved the way for those very bands. They praise the timeless records such as London Calling or In Between Days but will proudly listen to Lily Allen's take on Pop/Ska on repeat. An Eclectic reader will never decide if The Killers are better than Kings Of Leon or if The Drums really are a less original version of The Beach Boys. Eclectic readers will make bookmarks on their Macbook of the latest trends, clothes, shoes and Ray-Bans that they will sooner or later (due to their lack of allowance or student debt it will more than often be later) purchase. They will never give in to watching Coronation Street over EastEnders and they will refuse to believe that people can knowingly waste money on 'plimsolls' rather than invest in a trusty pair of Converse. A Blackberry will always win over an iPhone, however an iPod will of course be sitting with their new headphones somewhere in their fashionable bag. Urban Outfitters is their definition of high street shopping however they will occasionally indulge in a brave purchase from chemical-records.co.uk obviously not forgetting that something from All Saints and HMV will automatically be on their Christmas List. Whilst being an avid believer of Nicki Minaj, an Eclectic reader loves Drake's contemporary style of rap as well as respecting the harsh hip hop manner of Eminem and Jay-Z. Eclectic readers are the first to know what single and album is topping the chart in nearly every genre of music under the sun and they hate to admit that they still love The Kooks. Their favourite radio programme will be the '6 'Till 10 Shift' on EclecticRadio, premiering new releases with exclusive interviews and discussions on the best music and live gigs around. Eclectic readers think that sarcasm is far from the lowest form of wit and have learnt this by being a Kanye West fan since 2004. They will unquestionably pay well over one hundred pounds to see The Arctic Monkeys live although they will definitely prefer their first album and agree with critics that, excluding 'Cornerstone', Humbug was medioka. Their parents have taught them to 'never doubt Morrisey' and Amy Winehouse will always have a place in their hearts - flaws and all. Eclectic readers are quite frankly sick of Mark Ronson and would much rather listen to Lady GaGa, Florence and The Machine or White Lies. An Eclectic reader will never publicy deny that The Beatles were the best band in world however will be swayed by the claims of Liam Gallagher and remain undecided as they will always prefer Aretha Franklin's version of Let It Be. Generally Eclectic readers will watch films regularly throughout the month and EclecticTV is their favourite music channel, MTV coming in at a close second. They will use Twitter to communicate with other Eclectic consumers but the Eclectic Facebook page and Eclectic Magazine is how they mostly stay updated with all Eclectic news and information. Eclectic readers are fresh and fashionable and always try to look their best. With Topshop jeans and pumps, an ASOS blouse, vintage fur coat and an All Saints clutch, a female Eclectic reader will happily leave the house ready for the day. For a male reader, much less effort is necessary but with an equally stylish outcome, they are content. Eclectic readers are unique because of their extremely diverse taste in music - they allow their favourite musicians and artists to influence their own style and this gives Eclectic readers their originality.

70% of Eclectic consumers are Female
30% of Eclectic consumers are Male

The target audience of my magazine would be interested in websites such as these: 

Thursday 10 March 2011

7) Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to your full task?

Looking back at my preliminary task I definitely feel that during the progression my skills have improved.

I have been able to develop my skills in Photoshop and for my main task I used it to produce a more aesthetically pleasing product.  I also feel that my final product would be a successful brand and would develop much stronger brand loyalty from its readers in comparison with my school magazine.

I think that my main task has enabled me to consider much more feedback than my previous task and therefore create a more professional product.

In the progression from my preliminary task I feel have learnt how to appeal to a more specific target audience. This is because I learnt how to carry out more in depth research into different social groups to develop my own clear audience. Although I used the same research techniques for my preliminary task, in the progression I learnt how to make my research in multi media formats, for example, using an online tool to create a questionnaire for my focus group - making it more accessible for my audience, therefore making my findings more reliable.

In the progression from my preliminary task and my main task I have also learnt how to incorporate more forms and conventions of real media products. This is because I could carry out more detailed generic research, analysing existing media products. This meant I could use, develop and challenge more conventions when I created my front cover, contents page and double page spread in comparison to my preliminary task where I only produced a front cover for the school magazine.

Since the preliminary task I have learnt how to present my work in multi media formats. For example I used iMovie to present my audience research and some of my evaluation. I also learnt to use Prezi; an online zoom presentation tool which I used to present my generic research.

Overall I can definitely see an advance in my ability and skills in the progression from my preliminary task to now. I am definitely more pleased with my final product however, I think my preliminary task allowed me to gain the essential skills I needed to make a successful music magazine.

Sunday 20 February 2011

Audience Feedback

Audience Feedback
To undergo my audience feedback I decided on five important questions.
Here is the written transcript of the video response I filmed for my audience feedback.

What attracted you to the magazine and why?

Female Aged 17: 'The Nicki Minaj article attracted me to the magazine because it is in a bold colour and it's in pink which is appropriately chosen because she is often associated with pink. Then for a similar reason the artists at the bottom - it shows diversity and they're in bright colours as well so it draws you to them.'

Female Aged 16: 'I was attracted to the 'Best of 2010' list on the cover because it is something the target audience would be interested to see. Also the colourful, diverse bands at the bottom were quite attractive.'

Do you think the magazine is appropriate for it's target audience of 16-22 year olds?

Female Aged 17: 'I think it is appropriate because the girl on the front is a similar age to it's readers so they'll be able to identify with her.'

Female Aged 16: 'I think it is appropriate because all the bands featured on the front are really diverse so they'll be appealing to different groups and different ages who like different music genres.'

Do you think the price is reasonable?

Female Aged 17: 'I think two pounds is reasonable because it's a monthly magazine and most magazines that are monthly are more than that so in comparison it is cheap.'

Female Aged 16: 'Yeah I think it is a reasonable price for a monthly magazine because you get quite a lot of content in it, and more people of the target audience will be more likely to spend two pounds because it's quite cheap.'

Do you think there is a clear brand identity?

Female Aged 17: 'I think there is a clear brand identity because they have used a clear brand identity throughout like the contents page and front page. They've used mostly red, white and black.'

Female Aged 16: 'Yeah there is a clear brand identity because they've used the same font for Eclectic on the front cover and in the contents page. Also the same typography for the titles of each article.'

Would you buy this magazine and why?

Female Aged 17: 'I would buy the magazine because it is reasonably priced and the bright colours would attract me to it.'

Female Aged 16: ' Yes I would buy this magazine because it is a good price for what you get in the monthly issue and because of the variety of articles and music.'