Wednesday 8 December 2010

Planning for Photo Shoots

  • To plan my photo shoots I have chosen various places and I have also chosen clothing and make up for the model to wear as aspects of the mise-en-scene for each .
  • The first few shoots will be outside. I have chosen three separate locations for this. The first is outside a house, the second is in front of a derelict shop with spray painted boards which read, 'If you tolerate this, your business will be next' and the last is in front of a public house which has a chalkboard outside. I have chosen a vintage beige fur coat, a knitted christmas style vintage jumper to portray the artist to have an 'Indie' style or 'look'. I have chosen this because Indie as a social group often wear such items of clothing. I have also chosen red lipstick and glittery eye make up for the model to wear to make her stand out especially for the close up shots. For the second shoot I will choose a different setting and for the third I plan the photographs to be taken inside.

These three locations are all along Victoria Avenue, shown above in this screenshot from Google Maps.

  • For the third shoot, photographs will be taken in front of a wall with graffiti on. For this shoot I have chosen white converse, denim shorts a studded leather jacket, laddered tights, a red headscarf and a printed t - shirt for the model to wear. I feel like these aspects of mise-en-scene and setting of the graffiti wall will portray a 'rock and roll' image for the model. 
  • For the fourth photo shoot I will use the setting of a stage and I will use props such as a microphone, possible a guitar and a music sheet stand. I will use this setting to portray the model as an artist performing on stage. I have chosen sunglasses and a denim jacket for this shoot to show the artist performing at possibly a local summer festival of some sort.
  • For the last photo shoot I will use two different models and I plan to take close up shots of them so that I can show diversity and various artists on my contents page. I will most likely use these photographs as thumbnail images to tease the contents.

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Flat Plans

I have made three flat plans for my media product, one for each aspect I will be creating. I have done this to help me plan the positioning of the text and images.

Front Cover

Contents Page

Double Page Spread

Sunday 21 November 2010

Reader Profile

I have created a reader profile with the help of my questionnaire results. Click to enlarge image.

Eclectic readers are affluent young adults.

They have a diverse taste in music and can easily develop their own style.

They appreciate the music from before their own time whilst they love new up and coming artists.

Eclectic readers are often students and this means they are more than often on a budget.

Their favourite music genres include; R&B, Hip Hop, Pop, Indie and of course the Mainstream Chart 

70% Female 30% Male

Saturday 20 November 2010

Audience Research: Questionnaire Results

My questionnaire result have helped me to determine my target audience. Here are the results in order:

  • Are you male or female? 70% female 30% male
  • What age are you? 20% Age 16, 50% Age 18, 30% Age 22
  • Would you be interested in a magazine focused on more than one music genre? 90% yes 10% no
  • If yes, which genres would you prefer? Please choose four. 100% R&B, 100% Hip Hop, 100% Chart, 100% Indie, 50% Pop, 20% Rock
  • What types of articles would you be interested in? Please choose two. 100% music, 100% interviews, 50% fashion, 20% exclusive
  • Would you prefer a monthly or weekly music magazine? 85% monthly, 15% weekly
  • How much would you pay for a monthly magazine? 90% £2, 10% £4
  • Are you a student? 100% yes
  • Would you buy a magazine that incorporates old and new music? 100% yes
  • Would you prefer to access a magazine online? 60% Don't Mind 40% Yes
Results Summary
From my results I can see that my target audience is by majority, young female students aged 16-22. I can see also see that my target audience listen to a variety of music genres informing me they have a diverse taste in music. The results also tell me that I would be more successful creating a reasonably priced monthly magazine to appeal to my target audience. The 40% Yes result from the last question also tells me that my target audience probably use the internet a lot to communicate and access various websites relating to their interests.

Audience Research: Questionnaire

I have created an online questionnaire for my focus group using Survey Monkey, which can be viewed and completed below:

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey, the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Friday 19 November 2010

Possible Scenarios

As part of my research for my music magazine, I have been able to pick out some photographs that I have taken myself when previously attended some gigs and festivals. These photographs could possibly be used as part of my music magazine. As the rest of magazine will be made up of my photography and will be my own set up etc, these photographs would only be used, if at all, for a small part of the magazine for example a review or an inset picture in the contents page. Click to enlarge the images.

Thursday 18 November 2010

Brand Profile

Eclectic Magazine

Eclectic magazine is a popular British music publication. The magazine has branded itself and has now expanded to a multi-platform media proposition. It is engaged by approximately 100,000 followers a week across mutiple media platforms including EclecticRadio, EclecticTV, fan pages such as, as well as increasing its fanbase through live events such as Eclectic Selected - a live tour of various artists as voted for by readers across the UK and annual award ceremonies. Eclectic as a brand, offers a diverse coverage of all popular music amongst it's target demographic of young people aged 16-25 including Pop, Alternative/Indie, R&B, Hip Hop, Rock, Contemporary etc. Eclectic presents its fans with a broad mixture of interviews, live reviews and latest releases. Mirroring the habits of its readers, Eclectic celebrates both new talent and older music that has grown more and more influential over time. With its absolute guide to music and constant update of the freshest music and latest fashion, Eclectic has quickly become one of Britain's most respected and embraced publications.

Wednesday 17 November 2010

My Chosen Name & Concept

I have decided that the name of my magazine will be 'Eclectic'. I have decided upon this name as I think it is a valid representation of my target demographic. I feel that the title of my magazine 'Eclectic' represents my target demographic of young people aged 16-25 as well as their choice of lifestyle, taste in music and taste in fashion. The concept of my magazine will be the meaning of 'Eclectic'. I want the magazine to be 'all-embracing' of all music genres. 'Eclectic' is the concept of taking best of different styles, methods and ideas and collating them together. Here are some of the various fonts I have thought about using for my magazine: 

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Ideas for Magazine Name

I made a spidergram of possible names for my media product.
My ideas are;

  • Jam
  • Beat
  • W.W (world wide)
  • Fushion 
  • Clash
  • Pop
  • Flare
  • Eclectic

Monday 15 November 2010

Generic Research

To begin my planning and research I have done some generic research into the current conventions and styles of existing magazines. I have analysed three magazines looking at the front cover, contents page and a double page spread. The magazines I have chosen are, MixMag, Q and NME. I used an online tool called 'Prezi' to make an online zoom media presentation which can be viewed below: