Saturday 20 November 2010

Audience Research: Questionnaire Results

My questionnaire result have helped me to determine my target audience. Here are the results in order:

  • Are you male or female? 70% female 30% male
  • What age are you? 20% Age 16, 50% Age 18, 30% Age 22
  • Would you be interested in a magazine focused on more than one music genre? 90% yes 10% no
  • If yes, which genres would you prefer? Please choose four. 100% R&B, 100% Hip Hop, 100% Chart, 100% Indie, 50% Pop, 20% Rock
  • What types of articles would you be interested in? Please choose two. 100% music, 100% interviews, 50% fashion, 20% exclusive
  • Would you prefer a monthly or weekly music magazine? 85% monthly, 15% weekly
  • How much would you pay for a monthly magazine? 90% £2, 10% £4
  • Are you a student? 100% yes
  • Would you buy a magazine that incorporates old and new music? 100% yes
  • Would you prefer to access a magazine online? 60% Don't Mind 40% Yes
Results Summary
From my results I can see that my target audience is by majority, young female students aged 16-22. I can see also see that my target audience listen to a variety of music genres informing me they have a diverse taste in music. The results also tell me that I would be more successful creating a reasonably priced monthly magazine to appeal to my target audience. The 40% Yes result from the last question also tells me that my target audience probably use the internet a lot to communicate and access various websites relating to their interests.

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