Sunday 20 February 2011

Audience Feedback

Audience Feedback
To undergo my audience feedback I decided on five important questions.
Here is the written transcript of the video response I filmed for my audience feedback.

What attracted you to the magazine and why?

Female Aged 17: 'The Nicki Minaj article attracted me to the magazine because it is in a bold colour and it's in pink which is appropriately chosen because she is often associated with pink. Then for a similar reason the artists at the bottom - it shows diversity and they're in bright colours as well so it draws you to them.'

Female Aged 16: 'I was attracted to the 'Best of 2010' list on the cover because it is something the target audience would be interested to see. Also the colourful, diverse bands at the bottom were quite attractive.'

Do you think the magazine is appropriate for it's target audience of 16-22 year olds?

Female Aged 17: 'I think it is appropriate because the girl on the front is a similar age to it's readers so they'll be able to identify with her.'

Female Aged 16: 'I think it is appropriate because all the bands featured on the front are really diverse so they'll be appealing to different groups and different ages who like different music genres.'

Do you think the price is reasonable?

Female Aged 17: 'I think two pounds is reasonable because it's a monthly magazine and most magazines that are monthly are more than that so in comparison it is cheap.'

Female Aged 16: 'Yeah I think it is a reasonable price for a monthly magazine because you get quite a lot of content in it, and more people of the target audience will be more likely to spend two pounds because it's quite cheap.'

Do you think there is a clear brand identity?

Female Aged 17: 'I think there is a clear brand identity because they have used a clear brand identity throughout like the contents page and front page. They've used mostly red, white and black.'

Female Aged 16: 'Yeah there is a clear brand identity because they've used the same font for Eclectic on the front cover and in the contents page. Also the same typography for the titles of each article.'

Would you buy this magazine and why?

Female Aged 17: 'I would buy the magazine because it is reasonably priced and the bright colours would attract me to it.'

Female Aged 16: ' Yes I would buy this magazine because it is a good price for what you get in the monthly issue and because of the variety of articles and music.'